Sage 50 Peachtree 專業版會計軟件2024 & 2023
Sage 50 Peachtree (Desktop and Cloud Edition)is not an electronic checkbook. It's a real, double-entry accounting system. Your accountant will appreciate the detail included in Sage 50's financial statements and other reports. There are some initial decisions you should make with your accountant. Then, at tax time you need to provide your accountant with the information he or she needs.
At tax time, print the following financial statements for your accountant:
:: Balance Sheet
:: Income Statement
:: Statement of Changes
In addition, you may want to print the following reports:
:: Aged Receivables
:: Aged Payables
:: Inventory Valuation
Sage 50 Peachtree provides most of the other information your accountant may require.
:: 建議系統要求-Sage 50 Peachtree 2024 桌面版 或 雲端版
※建議至少 2.4 GHz 處理器或以上; (3rd Generation and higher Intel® Core™ i3 and higher or AMD
Ryzen™ 3 and higher)
※建議單用戶至少8 GB RAM,多用戶至少16 GB RAM
※ 安裝建議 5 GB 硬碟空間及在伺服器上安裝元件需要額外 4 GB
::系統要求-Sage 50 Peachtree 2024 桌面版
※視 窗 11 或 10 已安裝 Microsoft 的最新更新
※可安裝在Windows Server 2022 或 Windows Server 2016 & 2019, client-server 網絡, 及 Windows 11 或 Windows 10 peer-to-peer 網絡 ( 不支援 NAS ),
:: 建議系統要求-Sage 50 Peachtree 桌面版 2023
※建議至少 2.4 GHz 處理器或以上 (Intel Core i5 or higher)
※建議單用戶至少8 GB RAM,多用戶至少16 GB RAM
※ 安裝建議 5 GB 硬碟空間及在伺服器上安裝元件需要額外 2 GB
::Sage 50 Peachtree 2023 桌面版系統要求
※視 窗 11 或 10 已安裝 Microsoft 的最新更新
※可安裝在Windows Server 2022 或 Windows Server 2016 & 2019, Windows Server2012 R2(requires installation of KB3118401), client-server 網絡, 及 Windows 11 或 Windows 10 peer-to-peer 網絡 ( 不支援 NAS )
::Sage 50 Peachtree 2024 & 2023
※要配合微軟.NET Framework 4.8;包括 DirectX Dependency for .NET; 需要附加 280 MB 至 850 MB
※Excel®, Outlook® 和Word® 集成需要 Microsoft Excel Outlook, and Word 2019, 2016, 2013. (2021 僅適用於2024版本)
※適合Office 365商務基礎版、標準版或企業版
::::更詳細系統要求 Sage 50 Peachtree 2024, 2023 & 2020
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